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最後更新日期 : 2024-08-09







研究室: 教學大樓416



Ping-Yu Huang and Nai-Lung Tsao (in press). Using collocation clusters to detect and correct English L2 learners' collocation errors. Computer Assisted Language Learning (SSCI). https://doi.org/10.1080/09588221.2019.1607880

Ping-Yu Huang, Chien-Ming Chen, Nai-lung Tsao, & David Wible (2015). The Development of a Corpus-based Tool for Exploring Domain-specific Collocational Knowledge in English. Taiwan Journal of TESOL. 12, 117-141. (THCI)

Huang, P. Y., Wible, D. & Chou, C. T. (2012). EFL Learners’ Mental Processing of Multi-word Units. English Teaching and Learning, 36, 129-163. (THCI)

Huang, P. Y., Wible, D. & Ko, H. W. (2012). Frequency Effects and Transitional Probabilities in L1 and L2 Speakers’ Processing of Multiword Expressions. In S. Th. Gries & D. S. Divjak (eds.), Frequency Effects in Language: Learning and Processing (pp. 145-175). Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Huang, P. Y. (2007). The Incorporation of Second Language Acquisition Theories into E-learning Studies. In Matzen, R., Cheng-Levine, J. Y., and Hu, Y. H. (eds.), Reformation: The Teaching and Learning of English in Electronic Environments. Taipei: Bookman Books Co.


Ping-Yu Huang (2018). Using Corpus-derived Co-occurrence Information to Extract Terminology. Fourth Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference, Takamatsu.

Ping-Yu Huang (2017). Academic Collocations in Computer Science Research Articles: A Corpus-based Study. 9th Corpus Linguistics Conference, Birmingham.

Ping-Yu Huang and Nai-Lung Tsao (2016, Jul). Using A Corpus-based Collocation Network Explorer to Detect/Correct L2 Learners' Miscollocations. 12th Teaching and Learning Corpora Conference (TaLC 12). MOST 104-2410-H-131-002.

Ping-Yu Huang and Nai-Lung Tsao (2016, Jun). Using Collocation Networks to Enrich Lexicographical Resources for Language Learning or Technical Dictionaries. 10th International Conference of the Asian Association for Lexicography, Manila. MOST 104-2410-H-131-002.

Ping-Yu Huang, Nai-Lung Tsao, and David Wible (2015, Apr). An Online Tool for Exploring Corpus-based Collocation Networks. English Linguistics and Corpora 2015, Paris.

Ping-Yu Huang, Chien-Ming Chen, & Nai-Lung Tsao (2014). Corpus-derived Lexical-collocational Knowledge for Discipline-specific Studies. Second Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (APCLC 2014), Hong Kong.

Ping-Yu Huang, Chien-Ming Chen, Nai-Lung Tsao, & David Wible (2013). A Corpus-Based Tool for Exploring Domain-Specific Collocations in English. PACLIC 27 Workshop on Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Taipei, Taiwan.

Huang, P. Y. & Iris Yi-shin Liou (2012). Motivating Teenage EFL Learners with Domain-Specific Words: A Corpus-based Study. Paper presented at 2012 IATEFL Young Learners and Teenagers (SIG) Conference and Asian Literacy Conference, Taipei, November 2-4.

Chan, K. F. & Huang, P. Y. (2011). A Study of Taiwanese English Learners’ Vocabulary Learning Strategies. Paper presented at 2011 PAC and 20th International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, November 11-13.

Huang, P. Y., Iris Yi-shin Liou & Chi-Mei Hsieh (2011). Integrating ESP Instruction into EGP Courses at Colleges of Technology. Paper presented at 2011 International Conference on Professional English Communications and Instructional Technology, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, May 6.

Huang, P. Y., I-Huang Shih, and Chi-ting Chou (2011). EFL Learners’Mental Processing of Multi-word Units. Paper presented at English Linguistic Society of Japan 4th International Spring Forum 2011, Japan, April 23-24.

Huang, P. Y., Wible, D. & Ko, H. W. (2009). Using Eye-Tracking Techniques to Investigate Fundamental Differences in L1 and L2 Processing of Formulaic Sequences. Paper presented at Second Language Processing and Parsing Conference, Texas, May 21-24.

Huang, P. Y. & Wible, D. (2009). Processing and Acquisition of Formulaic Sequences in SLA: An Eye-Movement Experiment. Paper presented at 2009 Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Denver, March 21-24.

Huang, P. Y. & Wible, D. (2008). Processing and Mastery of Lexical Chunks in Second Language Acquisition. Paper presented at the 47th Taiwanese   Psychological Association Annual Conference. Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.

Huang, P. Y. (2008). The Aspect Hypothesis and L2 Learners’ Awareness of Lexical Aspect. Poster presented in The Acquisition of Tense, Aspect and Mood in L1 and L2 Conference. Aston University, Birmingham, U.K.

Huang, P. Y. (2005). Ubiquitous Foreign Language Learning, Vocabulary Acquisition, and Eye Movement Research. Paper presented at the Digital Language Learning Roundtable. Teachers’ College, Columbia University, U.S.

Wible, D. & Huang, P. Y. (2003). Using Learner Corpora to Examine L2 Acquisition of Tense-Aspect Markings. Paper presented at the Corpus Linguistics Conference 2003. UK.
