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研究室: 電機館2樓
Teaching Experience
- Tamkang University, Adjunct Assistant Professor, 2020~2021
- Min Chi University of Technology, Adjunct Assistant Professor, 2019~2021
• National Chung Cheng University, Assistant Professor, 2008~2018;
• National Taiwan University, Post-Doctor Researcher, 2007~2008.
- inverse Fourier transform and applications;
- spectral theory of differential operators;
- scattering theory of differential operators.
Course Offering
- Real Analysis;
- Mathematical Statistics;
- Complex Analysis;
- Advanced Calculus;
- Introduction to Mathematics;
- Introduction to Partial Differential Equations;
- Topics in Partial Differential Equations;
- Introduction to Calculus;
- Introduction to Linear Algebra;
- Introduction to Modern Analysis.
Invited Talks
- Cross-Strait Conference of Inverse Spectral Theory and 60 anniversary of Tamkang University,July 15, 2019 ~ July 17, 2019.
- Inverse Phaseless Scattering Uniqueness on the Line with Partial Information on Potential, SS141, AIMS, Taipei, Taiwan, 2018.
- Conference on inverse spectral analysis and applications, Nanjin University of technology (南京理⼯⼤学), 2017年8⽉.
- Workshop on Inverse Problems and Related Subjects, NCTS, Taipei, May 28, 2017.
- AIP (Applied Inverse Problems), Hangzhou, 2017, Mini-symposium of “Inverse Spectral Problems”.
- Workshop of Spectral Analysis of Differential Operators and Related Topics, Department of Math, Tamkang University.
- 2016, Mar 23, An Inverse Spectral Theory of Interior Transmission Problem, National Kaohsiung University, Department Colloquium.
- 2016, Jan, 24th Workshop on Differential Equations(微分⽅程年會), National Sun YatSen University, Kaohsiung.
- 2015, Dec, Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Mathematical Society(中華⺠國數學學會年會), National Kaohsiung University.
- 2015, Nov 21~23, Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Inverse Problems and the Related
Topics (臺灣—⽇本逆問題及相關客題聯合研討會), NTU, Taipei.
- 2015, Sep, 13, International Workshop on Direct and Inverse Spectral Problems,
Department of Applied Mathematics, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung.
- 2015, ICIAM (International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics), Beijing, Imaging Science.
- 2014, ICIP (International Conference on Inverse Problems and Related Topics), Taipei, mini symposium.
- 2013, Mar, 6, Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University.
- 2010, Jan,19, NCTS, National Cheng Kung University.
- 2008, Dec, 20, Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Mathematical Society, NTHU.
- 2008, Oct, 16, Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica.
- 2008, Dec, 10, “The trace formula for differential operator $\Delta_H^{n+1}+V$”, National Taiwan University.
- 2008, Apr, 09, “Scattering theory on hyperbolic spaces”, National Chung Cheng University.
- 2007, Aug, 03, Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University.
- Lung-Hui Chen, Certain Inverse Resonance Uniqueness on the Line with Super-Exponentially Decaying Potential, In preparation, 2021.
- Lung-Hui Chen, Remarks on Inverse Resonance Problem on the Line Missing Bound States Information, Submitted, 2021.
- Lung-Hui Chen, On the uniqueness of phaseless inverse scattering problem without zero-crossings, Submitted, 2021.
- Lung-Hui Chen, Tzong-Mo Tsai, and Chung-Tsun Shieh, Certain Hochstadt-Lieberman Type of Inverse Uniqueness in Resonance Problem, revised with “AIMS Mathematics” (SCI).
- Lung-Hui Chen, Tzong-Mo Tsai, and Chung-Tsun Shieh, Inverse Resonance Problem with Partial Information on the Interval, Accepted by “Applicable Analysis”, 2020.
- Lung-Hui Chen, Phaseless Inverse Uniqueness of a Three-Dimensional Scattering Problem of Second Type, Accepted for publication in SN Partial Differential Equations and Applications.
- Lung-Hui Chen, Uniqueness of phase retrieval and magnitude retrieval of band-limited signals, Accepted by “Journal of Applied Analysis”, 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/jaa-2021-2052
- Lung-Hui Chen, Inverse Phaseless Scattering on the Line with Partial Information, Accepted by “Waves in Random and Complex Media”, 2020. (SCI)
- Lung-Hui Chen, An inverse spectral analysis of transmission problem in thermo- and photo-acoustic tomography, Waves in Random and Complex Media, Volume 29, Number 2, 3 April 2019, pp. 204-214(11). (SCI)
- Lung-Hui Chen, A sub-density theorem of Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problem with finitely many singularities, Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences), volume 53, pages1–5 (2018). (SCI)
- Lung-Hui Chen, An inverse spectral uniqueness in exterior transmission problem, Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 41, No. 2, 2017. (SCI)
- Lung-Hui Chen, On certain translation invariant properties of interior transmission spectra and their Doppler's effect, Adv. Math. Phys., Volume 2017 (2017). (SCI)
- Lung-Hui Chen, A fixed energy inverse scattering in interior transmission problem, Reports on Mathematical Physics, Vol. 79, no. 3, 331-345, 2017. (SCI)
- Lung-Hui Chen, Remarks on the phaseless inverse uniqueness of a three-dimensional
Schroedinger scattering problem, Adv. Math. Phys., Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 6031523. (SCI)
- Lung-Hui Chen, An inverse uniqueness on the index of refraction with a transition region, Applicable Analysis, 95, 3, 545-561 (2016). (SCI).
- Lung-Hui Chen, On the eigenvalue asymptotics of zonal Schroedinger operators in even metric and non-even metric, Vol. 3, 2016, Cogent Math. (ESCI).
- Lung-Hui Chen, An inverse uniqueness in interior transmission problem and its eigenvalue tunneling in simple domain, Advances in Mathematical Physics, Volume 2016, Article ID 2438253. (SCI).
- Lung-Hui Chen, On the inverse spectral theory in a non-homogeneous interior transmission problem, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, Volume 60, Issue 5, 707-731 (2015). (SCI).
- Lung-Hui Chen, A uniqueness result with some density theorems with interior transmission eigenvalues, Applicable Analysis, 94, 8, 1527-1544 (2015). (SCI).
- Lung-Hui Chen, A uniqueness theorem on the eigenivalues of spherically symmetric interior transmission problem in absorbing medium, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equation, 60, 2, 145-167, 2015. (SCI).
- Lung-Hui Chen, On the angular density of three dimensional scattering resonances, ISRN, Mathematical Physics, Vol. 2014.
- Lung-Hui Chen, A sub-logarithmic lower bound for resonance counting function in two dimensional potential scattering, Rep. Math. Phys., 65,157-164 (2010). (SCI).
- Lung-Hui Chen (2007, May). Scattering theory of hyperbolic spaces with potential scatterer, PhD Thesis, Purdue University.